
Nieuport has partnered with Canada’s leading Out-Of-Home Advertising company Pattison Outdoor. As part of this multi-year partnership we have installed a new state-of-the art digital LED and LCD network throughout our Passenger Terminal to complement our existing static display options. For more information on advertising in a premier location Airport Terminal location in front of a captive dwelling audience visit Pattison Outdoor.
Real Estate & Concessions
Nieuport partners with world-class organizations and local small businesses to offer opportunities to enhance our passengers' experience. The Terminal has limited opportunities for space rentals and concessions. If you are interested in operating a business or renting space in the Nieuport terminal, please contact us with your proposal using the contact form below.
Commercial Partnerships
With Toronto's diversity, booming population and rise as a global city, Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport is primed for a new era of growth. As the preferred downtown airport for Toronto's movers and shakers (including business, government, technology, arts, media, and entrepreneurs), Nieuport's Airport Terminal presents a unique opportunity for brands to connect with this influential audience as they wait for flights in a comfortable and relaxed environment. To explore opportunities, please contact us.
Nieuport regularly purchases goods and services and is committed to competitive, fair, and sustainable procurement practices. To let us know about new procurement opportunities, please use the contact form below.
Commercial Filming & Photography
We're delighted to provide opportunities for commercial filming and photography at the terminal at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport. Select locations within the airport passenger terminal are approved for commercial filming and require the submission of a Filming & Photography Permit Request Form to be considered.
Within the passenger terminal, these locations include:
Public (pre-security):
Check-in area
Domestic (*post-security):
Aspire VIP Lounge
Food & Beverage
Transborder (*post-security):
Food & Beverage
Use of the City skyline
Other shots showing the City skyline
Exterior of the terminal
Other shots representing normal internal airport operations
Other shots representing normal external airport operations
For any other requests outside of these areas such as at the airport location landside, on the ferry or within the tunnel/escalators leading up to the terminal building, please contact PortsToronto.
*Please note, any requests for activities post-security may require more lead time to obtain additional security clearance
If you are a location scout, you may access photos of approved locations through the Ontario Film Commission's Digital Location Library.
Applicants must carry a minimum of $2 million commercial general liability coverage. Fees for filming are dependent on the complexity of the filming project. Please allow up to 5 business days for applications to be processed. Nieuport Aviation reserves the right to decline filming requests that do not align with our core values, mission and vision.
To apply for a film permit, please complete the Filming & Photography Permit Request Form and email to